Thinking about financial goal setting may leave you feeling a bit lost and overwhelmed. Whether it’s establishing an emergency savings fund, buying your first home, or even planning for retirement, financial goal setting is an important step toward future financial success. In this webinar, we will talk about where to start, share examples of short-term […]
The Criminal Justice Association is selling popcorn and candy cups to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Proceeds will help fund future events for the club!
Enjoy free food, warm weather, community resources, and student organizations! Meet new friends and mingle with classmates on our beautiful new Green Space at Main Campus in Sumter.
Are you getting ready to graduate from CCTC? Are you thinking about transferring to another school? Then plan on attending the Graduation & Transfer Fair and visit with different four-year colleges to ask questions or get information. We look forward to seeing you there.
Spending money during a period of heightened emotions, like stress or sadness can lead us to make money decisions that may not be in our best interest. Often, we end up purchasing unneeded items we regret and incurring unnecessary debt. In this session, we will look at emotional spending, what triggers it along with ways […]
Student Life is hosting a Cruella movie night on Main Campus with free pizza and popcorn! CCTC students and their families are invited to attend. Free entry!
Join us for this free workshop tp understanding how to keep your financial aid. Questions? Contact Karen Gainey at 803-778-7824 or
Drop by and write a note of gratitude to your mother, best friend, role model, or a favorite instructor who inspires you in honor of Women’s History Month. We will provide a card, envelope, and stamp for you if you are sending it through the mail. While supplies last.
Drop by and write a note of gratitude to your mother, best friend, role model, or a favorite instructor who inspires you in honor of Women’s History Month. We will provide a card, envelope, and stamp for you if you are sending it through the mail. While supplies last.
If you are interested in sharing your talent, scan the QR code below. All students, staff and faculty are invited to attend. Concessions will be sold at the event. Sponsored by the Performing Arts Club.